Research Areas
- Nanophotonic
- Nonlinear Optics
- Biophotonic
The activities at the Laboratory of Optoelectronics (LOpEL) of the Department of Physics, PUC-Rio, are focused on non-linear optics and the manufacture/characterization of photonic components in glass and fiber.
The lines of research involve the nanophotonics and nanobiophotonics in systems containing metallic nanoparticles and considering the effect of Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR). We investigate plasmonic devices in optofluidic components, based on specialty optical fibers, for light switching and the development of optical fiber based sensors containing metallic nanoparticles for application in biosensors.
We also investigate pressure and deformation sensors based on specialty optical fiber for application in the oil and gas industry.
We maintain collaboration with international groups: NRL-USA, Rise (Sweden), AFRL- USA and KTH-Sweden.
Relevance / Impact
The research carried out in the manufacture / characterization of different fiber optic sensors based on nanotechnology and the use of special fibers is an important key for the development of compact and efficient sensors, being able to monitor refractive indices of liquids and gases, besides pressure and deformation. These sensors present a potential for the development of an innovative product for use in the oil and gas industry.Another relevant line of research is the investigation of plasmonic devices in optofluidic optical fiber components for light switching. Through the international collaborations and the projects, the research developed by the group benefits from the knowledge of specialists in non-linear optics and nano-photonics allowing a significant advance in science and technology in Brazil.
The building of the human resources competencies is provided through the training of qualified personnel, undergraduate, master and doctorate students in a very fertile environment, opening opportunities for new work fronts.
Brief history
The Laboratory of Optoelectronics began its activities in 1987 with research in Non-linear Optics in optical fibers. Since 1991 the research has been extended to vitreous systems where activities are focused on the manufacture, characterization and development of photonic components in glass and fibers.

- Nd:YAG Laser, Q-switched, mode-locked (100 ps, 1064 nm, Quantronix) with second and fourth harmonic crystals (532nm e 266nm respectively);
- Optical spectrum analyzer (400 nm – 1700 nm);
- Fiber fusion splicer machine;
- Basic facilities for an optics laboratory: LEDs, semiconductor lasers, DFB lasers, photodetectors, oscillocope, spectrophotometer (Oceanoptics), optical benches and various optical fibers;
- High temperature oven;
- Polishing machine
- Infraestruture necessary for synthesis of metallic nanoparticles and material functionalization.
Other information:
The Optoeletronics Laboratory (LOpEL- in the Physics Department of the Centro Técnico Científico – PUC-Rio is located at the room 558L at the 5º floor of the Prédio Cardeal Leme. Rua Marquês de São Vicente 225, Gávea, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
Tel: 21 3527-1259 ramal 216 e 217