The Graduate Program in Physics at PUC-Rio, with almost 6 decades of existence, is one of the oldest in Brazil, having contributed to the training of several professors, researchers and professionals. The research areas are diverse, with a strong experimental composition and excellent infrastructure. All full-time professors in the Physics Department at PUC-Rio are engaged in the Graduate Program.
The goals and priorities of our Graduate Program are to be able to offer students a solid background in physics through compulsory and elective courses in different areas, and to provide the necessary infrastructure and support to carry out their projects. Based on the offered training and high-quality research projects, the student will be fully prepared to continue their academic life or to move to the productive sector. We understand that the master’s degree is an important stage in the student’s training, when they deepen the academic training and take their first steps as a researcher, while gaining insight into their academic future. The doctorate, in turn, consolidates the academic career, providing the necessary independence to follow in the footsteps of a researcher. Despite a natural bias towards academic life, graduates of either the master’s or doctoral degree from our Graduate Program in Physics have a background that allows them to successfully migrate to the productive sector.
The research activities are structured in the areas of concentration of Atomic and Molecular Physics, Statistical Physics and Complex Systems, Condensed Matter Physics, Elementary Particle Physics and Fields, and Optics.
- • Atomic and Molecular Physics (experimental)
- – Astrochemistry in laboratory
- • Statistical Physics and Complex Systems (theoretical and computational)
- – Statistical physics of equilibrium and non-equillibrium
- – Complex nonlinear dynamics and system
- • Condensed Matter Physics (experimental and theoretical)
- Experimental:
- – Organic electronics: devices and materials
- – Magnetic properties of materials
- – Plasma devices
- – Nanostructured materials
- – Mechanical and tribological properties in nanostructured materials
- – Two-dimensional materials
- – Biophysics
- Theoretical:
- – Spintronics, topological isolants and strongly correlated systems
- • Optics (experimental)
- – Optics and photonic devices
- – Quantum optics
- • Elementary particle and fields (experimental and theoretical)
- Experimental:
- – High energy physics in the LHCb experiment
- Theoretical:
- – Astroparticle physics and neutrino phenomenology
- – Particle phenomenology and physics beyond the Standard Model
The Department of Physics at PUC-Rio graduate studies (masters and doctorate) has no tuition. The Department has the support of grants from various agencies. The funding agencies for research and training of human resources that offer scholarships to students enrolled in graduate masters and doctorate are: CAPES, CNPq, FAPERJ and the same PUC-Rio.
Even for students with employment who can not receive grants from development agencies PUC-Rio offers a full exemption of tuition.
The Commitee of the Graduate Program in Physics is responsible for the selection of candidates, the offer of scholarships and for monitoring and guiding the students.
Further informations on Masters, Doctorate, Admission and enrollment
Admission in the Graduate Program in Physics at PUC-Rio – 2022.2
Information and important dates
EUF: the registration for the graduate exam in Physics, required for the admission in many graduate programs in Physics in Brazil, are opened until May 15th 2022. The important dates are:
- EUF Registration: from April 04, 2022 until May 15, 2022
- EUF Written Test: June 19, 2022
- Disclosure of written test result: June 26, 2022
- Other informations: see EUF page
Once the results of the exam are released, the selection process for Master or PhD in Physics at PUC-Rio follows the calendar of UNIPOSRIO (see, yet to be defined. New informations will come soon.
The release of the final results for admission at PUC-Rio will appear at UNIPOSRIO page and also in In case of approval, the candidate will receive instructions by email for registration in our graduate program. For further inquiries contact us through the email
Graduate Courses – 2022-1
Foreign Graduate Student Guide
For more information about the Graduate Program in Physics at PUC-Rio:
Department of Physics – PUC-Rio
Rua Marques S.Vicente, 225 – Gávea
22451-900 Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Phones: 0xx21 3527-1267 – Fax: 0xx21 3527-1271