- Associate Professor
- Telefone: 55 21 3527-1258/1259/1260 – R. 229
- Fax: 55 21 3527-1269
Associate professor at the Physics Department of PUC-Rio. Master degree in Physics at “La Sapienza” University in Rome (Italy) (color center lasers and spectroscopy, 1989). From 1989 to 1996, fellowship at ENEA Research Center (Frascati, Rome) working with material spectroscopy and thin films. PhD degree obtained at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio, 1999), with emphasis on thin films and material characterization. He is coordinator of different research projects, author of more than 120 scientific papers and four patents for prototypes of devices. He is scientific consultant of the Material Division of the Brazilian National Institute of Metrology (Inmetro, www.inmetro.gov.br) and he is vice-coordinator of the National Institute of Organic Electronics (INCT-INEO). Associated editor of Optical Materials and Brazilian Journal of Physics journals. In 2012 he was the Program Chair of the XXXV Brazilian Nacional Meeting of Condensed Matter Physics. In 2015 he co-organized the XIV Brazilian MRS-Meeting in Rio de Janeiro. At present the research interests are: Organic Electronics (OLED, OPV, OFET, etc.), nanostructures, optical properties of thin films and surfaces. He coordinates the Organic Optoelectronic Molecular Laboratory (LOEM).