- Associate Professor
- Telefone: 55 21 3527-1272
- Fax: 55 21 3527-1040
He did his degree in Physics in 1997 in Universidade Estadual de Campinas and subsequently obtained the Master degree (2001) and Doctoral Degree (2005) in Physics at the Pontifícia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). In 2005, he held a post-doc position working with nanostructured Materials based in Carbon at the State University of Campinas. His second postdoc position (2006) at INMETRO (Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Normatização e Qualidade Industria-RJ) comprised the study of heterogeneous catalysts. His actual research involves the structural and mechanical properties of nanostructured carbon films.