- Professor
- Telefone: 55 21 3527-1272
- Fax: 55 21 3527-1040
Master Degree: Nuclear Physics (g spectroscopy), PUC-Rio, 1969. Doctorat d´État ès Sciences: Nuclear Physics (nuclear reactions and á-g angular correlation), Université Paris-Sud and CEN Saclay, 1977. Sabbatical Leave in Texas A&M University, Chemistry Department (1987 and 1994) Professor of PUC-Rio since 1970, Head of its Physics Department (1997-1998) and Tenior Professor since 2004. In the last two decades, his main research area has been Surface Physics studied through ion desorption induced by impact of fast ion beams or light pulses (UV laser or synchrotron light). Investigations proceed particularly by Time-of-Flight (TOF) mass spectroscopy of insulators (condensed gases, inorganic thin films and biochemical products).