Quantum Properties of Black Holes – Marc Casals (CBPF)

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Date(s) - 16/04/2020

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“Quantum Properties of Black Holes”

Marc Casals (CBPF)
16/04/2020 – 5a. f – 17 horas
Conectem no “zoom” com o seguinte link para assistir o seminário: link para o colóquio

Meeting ID: 949 1878 6097

Password: 025305

(este link mudou mas será válido para todos os colóquios a partir de agora)
“This talk will be on one of the most fascinating consequences of General Relativity: black holes. I will give some theoretical and observational evidence for the existence of black holes in the Universe, including the recent Nobel prize-winning detection of Gravitational Waves. Black holes as described by classical General Relativity, however, pose some problems, such as the presence of space-time singularities in their inside and the breakdown of predictability. However, combining Quantum Physics together with black holes, as initiated by Prof. S. Hawking, may be helpful in resolving some of the problems. I will discuss what lurks inside a black hole and I will present some recent results of mine where I show that combining Quantum Physics with black holes alleviates the problem of breakdown of predictability. I will finish the talk by commenting on a paradox which quantum black holes, themselves, pose: the so-called Information Paradox.”